Every child should have someone sit down and read at least one book to them every single day, but simply reading to a child is not enough.
As I noted in my previous blog post, reading scores have dropped substantially across the nation. Why?
Most reading experts and researchers say that reading failure is caused by the way we teach reading in the classroom (Chronis-Tuscano et al., 2015). Yes, the teaching methods that we use in the classroom are causing students to fail in reading (for more research, see my blog post from 9/14/19). Notice that I did not say teachers. I said teaching methods. Most public-school teachers do not choose the teaching methods that they use in the classroom. Administrators, school boards, and often politicians choose classroom teaching methods. Research shows that many administrators, school boards, and politicians are choosing the wrong teaching methods.
I am starting a new blog series, entitled Twenty Reasons Reading Scores Have Dropped. Over the next couple of months, we will look in depth at 20 reasons that reading scores, according to the Nation’s Report Card, are lower in 2019 than they were in 2017. Stay tuned for more posts in coming days.