We do not learn spelling and reading in the same ways. I explore this in the last chapter of Spelling Skills: Acquisition, Abilities, and Reading Connection, edited by Blake C. Fabini.
Camp Sharigan, a 10-hour, one-week group-centered intervention, can help teachers meet the needs students who are struggling to read. Research shows that group-centered interventions are more effective with struggling readers than one-on-one tutoring. Struggling and gifted students alike can work together in groups. Camp Sharigan can be an excellent way to kick off a new school year. It is also an excellent review before testing.
For more information about group-centered interventions, see Elaine’s latest book, After-School Prevention Programs for at-Risk Students: Promoting Engagement and Academic Success. See Elaine's latest column in The Group Psychologist. Elaine reviews evidence that retaining students in their grade does not help them learn, and neither does social promotion. However, teaching children to read does help them to succeed.
Elaine Clanton Harpine, Ph.D.Elaine is a program designer with many years of experience helping at-risk children learn to read. She earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Counseling) from the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Categories |