We had a fantastic kick-off week at Camp Sharigan, but there is more to come. We have 22 children enrolled at Corpus Christi. Thank you to parents, grandparents, and volunteers for all your hard work. I especially want to thank those who stayed and helped to pack up on Friday evening. Your help was greatly appreciated. Thank you.
We still need volunteers to fill all the slots for the coming weeks, so, if you would like to join us, please come. The children are eager to learn and appreciate it when you help them learn to read. You can contact me for more information at: [email protected]
Writing Stories
I was very proud of all of the children for standing up and reading their stories so well on Friday. Fantastic job!
We start with very simple stories because we want the children to be able to actually read the story they write. Often, when we as adults try to help a beginning reader write a story, we let the student dictate an oral story to us, we write it down for them, and then have them copy what we wrote. Yes, this produces a more complex story. The problem then is that the student cannot read that story. The student becomes frustrated. If we start with simple stories, then the students develop step-by-step and are able to read what they write.
One Step at a Time!
We learn to speak before we learn to read, so, our oral language system is more advanced than our written language. If we begin teaching children through very simple stories, then we allow their reading skills to catch up with their oral skills. At the Camp Sharigan Project, we start with very simple stories—some only one sentence. We will build upon this concept. By the end of the year, we will work to help the students write each and every story they desire. As a piano teacher explained to me once, if you want students to learn to read music, they must begin with simple songs. The same is true in reading and writing.
Our Schedule
This week, our schedule changes. We meet only on Monday and Thursday. We still meet from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in the Community Life Building of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Corpus Christi. We are all grateful that the church provides housing and funding for this non-religious program as part of their outreach.
Our theme starting September 23 will be Let’s Go Exploring. The children will also present their first make-believe TV show on Thursday. Come join us.
We still need volunteers to fill all the slots for the coming weeks, so, if you would like to join us, please come. The children are eager to learn and appreciate it when you help them learn to read. You can contact me for more information at: [email protected]
Writing Stories
I was very proud of all of the children for standing up and reading their stories so well on Friday. Fantastic job!
We start with very simple stories because we want the children to be able to actually read the story they write. Often, when we as adults try to help a beginning reader write a story, we let the student dictate an oral story to us, we write it down for them, and then have them copy what we wrote. Yes, this produces a more complex story. The problem then is that the student cannot read that story. The student becomes frustrated. If we start with simple stories, then the students develop step-by-step and are able to read what they write.
One Step at a Time!
We learn to speak before we learn to read, so, our oral language system is more advanced than our written language. If we begin teaching children through very simple stories, then we allow their reading skills to catch up with their oral skills. At the Camp Sharigan Project, we start with very simple stories—some only one sentence. We will build upon this concept. By the end of the year, we will work to help the students write each and every story they desire. As a piano teacher explained to me once, if you want students to learn to read music, they must begin with simple songs. The same is true in reading and writing.
Our Schedule
This week, our schedule changes. We meet only on Monday and Thursday. We still meet from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in the Community Life Building of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Corpus Christi. We are all grateful that the church provides housing and funding for this non-religious program as part of their outreach.
Our theme starting September 23 will be Let’s Go Exploring. The children will also present their first make-believe TV show on Thursday. Come join us.

Children read and follow directions to make the pop-up books. They had already listened to a story about following directions. They wrote a story and pasted it inside the house to make a book. During our closing time Friday, they read their stories to their friends and families. This helped them to develop their oral and written language skills. The children all did a great job!