The children are making fabulous progress at the reading clinic. One little boy went racing over to greet his parents at the end of the session to show them the new words he could spell. Each day we’re seeing improvement. No, we cannot erase reading failure in one or two months, but everyone is improving. The children use creative art therapy hands-on projects to encourage them to work on difficult tasks and to take the new words that they have “captured” home with them. When the child encounters a word they do not know, cannot read, or cannot spell, the child captures the word and uses 4 steps to learn that new word. Then, they place the word on their project and take it home to practice. Afton the Ant, shown here, is just one example. Afton is covered with 30 new captured words. (See my previous Reading News post for details!)
In October, we did a special workshop on “Reading for Details” to sharpen comprehension skills. Even beginning students, read a chapter book and worked on comprehension skills.
Each Thursday, the children end the session at 5:45 PM with a puppet play. The children practice reading out loud which builds reading fluency. Guests are always welcome for the puppet play.
We still need volunteers to help the children learn to read. We appreciate your support. Come and help us teach a child to read. Reading failure stops many children from being successful in life. When we stop reading failure and teach a child to read, we change that child’s life forever. I truly believe: If you teach a child to read, you can change the world.
In October, we did a special workshop on “Reading for Details” to sharpen comprehension skills. Even beginning students, read a chapter book and worked on comprehension skills.
Each Thursday, the children end the session at 5:45 PM with a puppet play. The children practice reading out loud which builds reading fluency. Guests are always welcome for the puppet play.
We still need volunteers to help the children learn to read. We appreciate your support. Come and help us teach a child to read. Reading failure stops many children from being successful in life. When we stop reading failure and teach a child to read, we change that child’s life forever. I truly believe: If you teach a child to read, you can change the world.
Each of these puppets, which the children made themselves by following step-by-step directions, is covered with dozens of words that the children have captured. One group of children read the puppet play out loud, while another group displayed their puppets to illustrate the different characters.
Reading and following directions is an important skill.
To capture a new, tricky word, a student spells the word and says the letter sounds, gives the definition, uses the word in a sentence, and writes it correctly - four steps!
Reading and following directions is an important skill.
To capture a new, tricky word, a student spells the word and says the letter sounds, gives the definition, uses the word in a sentence, and writes it correctly - four steps!